Pregnancy and Parenting

Supportive pregnancy and parenting sessions, to help you to make informed and empowered choices, and to have a safe and positive birth experience.

Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum

A positive birth is about the choices you make and feeling empowered in making them. It is not dependant on where you birth or whether you have interventions or not. Sometimes nature throws us a wild card and we have to make the experience as positive as possible.

If each woman has the opportunity and the knowledge to choose where she births and who supports her, she is already on the path to a positive birth.

In each session with you the intention is:

• To challenge the culture of negativity and fear that exist around birth.

• To share information about choices and rights in childbirth.

• To encourage you to raise your expectations of childbirth.

• To find the resources you need for a positive birth.

• To aim for being treated with dignity and respect and for proud and warm memories.

Pregnancy and Parenting Support

If each woman has the opportunity and the knowledge to choose where she births and who supports her, she is already on the path to a positive birth.

Parenting Conversations

Please contact Marie-Louise for more information.

Pregnancy and Parenting Support